Dubro 101: Lazer Rods

Dubro 101: Lazer Rods

Lazer Rods are flexible push rods that are simple to install with reliability for the life of your model. They come is two sizes at 36 and 48 inches. Here are some pointers for installation and use.

 The inner (tube) and outer (sleeve) part design limits friction while maximizing ability to make bends in the control rod.

 Included in the package are stiffeners for ends of the ends of the rods. Sometimes this can be necessary for accurate movement of control surfaces.

 Installation should include outer sleeve overage on the outside of your model to allow you to trim the sleeve flush to the model once glued in place. This trimming can be done with a sharp hobby knife or sanding.

 Glue joints should be prepared using a coarse grit sandpaper to roughen the surface of the outer sleeve. This will allow any glue or epoxy to have a better physical bond.

 Be sure to install the hardware per the diagram, including a lock nut on at least one side of your Laser rod.

Threaded studs can be used to make extensions of Laser Rods.

 A dry Teflon lube can be sprayed inside the sleeve prior to use to help with installations with very tight bends. This can help keep the rods moving more feely so that less strain is put on your servo.